Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cinema. Show all posts

Sunday 31 January 2021

What To Watch: Tremors (1990)

A film which manages to get the balance between horror and comedy spot on, Tremors is a terrific ensemble movie about subterranean monsters tormenting the inhabitants of Perfection, Nevada. Kevin Bacon leads the cast in one of the actor’s most endearing movies as down-on-his-luck handyman, Val McKee. With his best friend Earl Bassett (Fred Ward), the pair become the town’s saviours as the heroic duo lead the group’s survival against underground creatures who hunt by sound.

What To Watch: The Conspiracy (2012)

Christopher MacBride won’t have had any clue how prescient his 2012 film The Conspiracy would become. It arrived before the presidency of Donald Trump, and the POTUS’s relentless attack on mainstream media, by design diverting attention to fringe political commentators and sociopaths pushing nefarious theories. And it arrived well in advance of a post-COVID-19 world riddled be fear, mistrust and uncertainty. Where conspiracies peddled by Trump acolytes have displaced so-called “fake news” with an insidious credibility fuelled by social media memes.

[Read the full review at Top 10 Films]

Saturday 8 March 2014

Top 10 Films

Can't think of a movie to watch? Top 10 Films has the answer...