Friday 17 September 2021

Denis Villeneuve Isn't A Fan Of Marvel Films

Dune director Denis Villeneuve has been ruminating on why the MCU probably isn’t right for his work.

Denis Villeneuve has the hotly-anticipated Dune coming up for release next month. He’s also hoping to get moving onto the sequel pretty quickly should the first one do well. However, one project he’s not interested in is a gig with Marvel, and creating a future instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Villeneuve has been discussing the limitations of sticking to Marvel’s ‘house style’, stating that “the problem today… Well, if we’re talking about Marvel, the thing is, all these films are made from the same mould. Some filmmakers can add a little colour to it, but they’re all cast in the same factory. It doesn’t take anything away from the movies, but they are formatted.”

In a separate interview with Harper’s Bazaar, both of which were pulled together by Dark Horizons, Villeneuve was interviewed by Oscar-winning director Chloe Zhao, whose next release is the upcoming Marvel flick, The Eternals... [continue reading]

Source: Film Stories

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