Sunday 19 June 2011

The most influential films ever made..?

Influential. Historically important. Displaying an innovative style. Progressing the medium. Highlighting the true power of cinema. Excellence in editing, sound design, special-effects, music, cinematography, editing. Arguably the most important films ever made. These are the ten must-see movies for anyone thinking about, preparing to, or already studying film at university.

Saturday 4 June 2011

Top 10 Low Budget Films of All Time

Jena Ellis looks at the best low budget films of the last few years - click here to see her choices.

"....Juno gets cited as a low-budget movie because it grossed $230 million worldwide on a budget of $6.5 million, but the most expensive film on this list cost less than 5 percent of what it took to make Juno. That’s real low-budget filmmaking. When all is said and done, it’s still possible to make a good movie for a lot less than you might think. These films — with release dates and approximate budgets listed next to the titles — are testament to that..."