Friday 7 February 2014

Greatest use of pre-1980 music in the movies

...Admittedly this one is a tad self-indulgent as I’m a pretty big Zappa fan. Nonetheless, it was the first time I had ever heard a FZ song – aside from in his own movies (namely 1971’s 200 Motels and 1979’s Baby Snakes) – used in a film. That in itself is kind of interesting given (at least according to Captain Beefheart biographer Mike Barnes) he originally moved to Los Angeles as an 18 year-old circa 1959 to establish himself as “a writer of film soundtracks” and did in fact churn out two of them (1962’s The World’s Greatest Sinner and 1965’s Run Home Slow … plus he and his band, The Mothers of Invention, appeared in the documentary Mondo Hollywood, which was also made in 1965). His stuff later appeared in some of the early episodes of the mid-1990s animated US TV cartoon Duckman.... [read full article at Top 10 Films]

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