Friday 7 January 2011

The Australian cricket team is now a laughing stock...hmm...but what about their comedy films?

There’s always been that old saying: Dying is easy, comedy is hard. Never has that truism been more reflective of the comedy offering here today. Of all the genres in film, it is perhaps comedy that is the most subjective: you either find something hilarious, or you don’t. Other genre, such as action, horror, drama or science fiction, for example, are either good or bad because of their story and characters. Comedy films, in the main, depend on a viewer’s sense of humour, as opposed to their attention span. For everyone who finds Monty Python’s Dead Parrot sketch hilarious, there’s a dozen who don’t. Which is a problem for any list purporting to state which is the best of a bunch of comedy films, because no doubt everyone will disagree with me on the choices below in some way. So how to approach such a divisive and potentially controversial issue? Simple. I don’t. Instead of offering some trite platitudes about what I find funny, and what turns me off, I’m just going to offer my own choices on the films I find to be the funniest, most impressive comedy films to come out of Australia. So, without further ado, my choices for the top Aussie comedy films… Click here for the Top 10 Australian Comedy Films (List compiled and written by Rodney Twelftree of Fernby Films)

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