Tuesday 20 July 2010


It has become obligatory in the blogging world to post something about "Inception" so here goes - "Inception" is Christopher Nolan's new film and it will be brilliant. I say - will be - because I haven't seen it yet. I'm avoiding reading most of the reviews because I don't want to spoil it for myself but I have read one or two. Some of have been good, most have called it a masterpiece, and some (a minority) have gone against the grain and said it hasn't lived up to expectations. One thing I've found with Nolan is this: even when he's not brilliant, he's never bad. Average Nolan is ten times as entertaining as most of Hollywood's production line output. So I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing this on the big screen in the next few days.

...oh, and while you're here I might mention a little Tom Hanks movie poll that is going on at the moment - head on over to Top10Films and cast your vote here for your favourite Tom Hanks film.

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