Thursday 4 February 2010

New Alien film "Alien Harvest" script leaked

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The new Alien movie - Alien Harvest, as it is known in its script form - has seen its script, by writer Jon Spaihts, leaked on the internet. The script - a character-driven film set a few years before the original Alien film - is currently in pre-production with Ridley Scott is the director's chair. To read the script follow this link:


Louisiana Forward said...

What are your thoughts about the script? Do you think it will make a good film? Put it this way--on the continuum of "Alien" (the best IMHO) and "Alien Vs. Predator R[egurgitate]"--where does this script stand?

The Helpful Admin said...

There's no real proof yet that it is the real script..

Louisiana Forward said...

Oh, well based on what you read, what's your sense? And its authenticity aside, how was the script?

Louisiana Forward said...

FYI: lists "Alien Harvest" as the prequel's title.

The Helpful Admin said...


Quote from: Politikon on Feb 08, 2010, 05:55:32 lists 'ALIEN HARVEST" as the Official ORIGINAL SCRIPT TITLE.

"IMDb is edited by members. Doesn't mean much."

On what i think of the script, i kind of like the ideas, its goes in line with Ridleys "box of tricks" it portrays orginality and uniqueness which usually are the essential ingredients to making a movie successful. If its the real script maybe they went over the top abit with the homosexual relationship between Fin and Karik but other than that i woudnt mind this script going to the big screen.

UnBoxable said...

"Alien Harvest" was an alien book based on the movies written 20 years ago

Wamphyri said...

Just finished reading it myself. I like the idea of the origins of the Alien itself, the growers too. Not so sure on the gay thing. No queen either? Either way Id still go to see it at the cinema!

Anonymous said...

Terrible script, this isnt an Alien movie at all!!Theres no horror or suspense of any kind!! This couldnt be the script for the new film, its like an episode of a sci fi film like star trek!Bares absolutley no relation at all to the atmos and direction of any of the Alien films!Its not a sci fi horror like the Alien films are. Gotta be a dud.Couldnt be the new film, theres just no way! I read it from start to finish by the way!

Anonymous said...

I think this script has some credit. It still carries the theme of space being dirty and mechanical. It ties up some loose ends to like the whole the original crew from the first flim climb up to see the grower dead body. Plus the growers have no gender and the alien takes certain attributes from their hosts. In this case the ability to reproduce without the queen. Also in aliens it reverts back to reproducing with a queen, a kind of genetic throw back to it's beginnings. Near the end of this script regular ant eggs are also loaded onto the growers ship tying in well with camerons second film and the introduction of a more ant like alien hive. Any more thoughts????

Champers said...

I read the whole thing, and it seemed authentic - with the exception of the gay stuff. If the script is legit and that makes it into the movie, I think it'd be a serious mistake. For one thing, it really detracts from the weirdness of the Growers, their world, and the other alien elements of the story. There's absolutely no reason why one of those two human characters couldn't be a woman.

Most of us are familiar with the the sexual psychology of 'Alien' and how it explored rape and violation and all that, but the Brokeback Mountain thing isn't going to work. Progressive and open-minded as people claim to be, the dude-on-dude relationship isn't something that most people want to see.

Overall, I think it was a well-written script by a guy who is probably a fabulous interior decorator.

Anonymous said...

Ridley Scott said that Weyland, of weyland yutani is in the script he is working on, however hes not in the Alien Harvest script. Thats another sign this is fake. I wouldnt pay to see an Alien Harvest movie. I`ve studied film in college and this script has nothing in common with any of those films.

Anonymous said...

I'm a screenwriter here in H-wood. If this is the real script I'll eat a bug of anyone's choice. My guess? LOST writer has turned in a doozy of a nasty screenplay - closer to X than PG13, and this is a halfway clever attempt to disinform the public.

We are talking about Ridley f&88ing Scott here, people. He would never, ever sign off on a piece of crap like this. He absolutely insisted that the only way he would return to this series was if a script appeared that was truly unprecedented.

This script here might be a hyperbole of the actual, but again, it takes some work to write a script of any sort. I would fathom that this might - I stress might - be an early draft attempt at what has now evolved into something truly unique. Yes, there are interesting ideas in this draft, but take it from a screenwriter - this is trash as it stands.

Of course, the original Alien script by Dan Obannon was even worse, and Giler and Hill teased out the wheat from the chaff and wrote the shooting draft. However, even that draft lacked the full story of Alien - it was Ridley himself who provided the key elements, most notably the entire fourth act in which Ripley and the alien face off in the shuttle.

One thing is for sure - if Ridley actually helms this, none of us need worry. He is the one and only.

The Master.

Anonymous said...

Read the script and loved it,(then again I'm not homophobic like most people-I Loved Pulp Fiction)
Would love to see this go to the big screen. Hell of a lot better writing than all the shit that came after Alien and Aliens.

Anonymous said...

"I'm a SCREENWRITER here in H-wood.."

So what? That means you're some authority on screenplays? You have good taste? You know what you're talking about?
Put into other words, I'm a bullshit detector and if you were any reputable, working screenwriter you wouldn't be spending a second of your time on this Mickey Mouse blog.

iang said...

ok read this and it is a fake, the physiology of the"alien" is wrong. the origion of the spacejokey is wrong, the gay sex scene is wrong. even the timing of this script is off, in fact, this "script" is incorrectly formatted. any writer of real "for production" scripts would tell you. I mean try to get a film crew to follow this garbage!
if your going to make a script fare enough, but learn how to do it correctly, and leave your personal agenda out of the story we get it your gay and proud, good for you we are happy for you, but a script is not the way to announce it to the world, try telling your friends first. with some of the graphic content in this, there is no way this would ever even reach first reading.

Anonymous said...

This is a joke. Don't waste your time with it folks. The story does no hang together, there are too many tongue-in-cheek allusions to other Ridley Scott films, the writing is ponderous and (even for a spec script) the formatting amateurish.

Anonymous said...

Heres something else I want to say about this piece of crap script. How can a grower make a mistake of not being able to tell that humans need members of both genders in order to procreate?? Now remember; a grower is supposed to be a God like creature, that terraforms planets, and is adept in agriculture right?? He breeds these species of aliens for agricultural reasons, and is a geneticist, yet he makes the mistake of trying to get two males to breed together???? Thats a major plot hole right there. Can you imagine Ridley Scott making that kind of mistake? What a joke!!

Anonymous said...

have they bought the rights from the book alien harvest written by robert shelkey. if so theres alot more to come and better like earth hive by steve perry or female war. i think ideas on the films have gone. lets leave this good series to rest before it becomes another freddie or jason

Anonymous said...

This script is quite obviously fairly sustandard if not literaly unfilmable garbage, from beginning to end, that only a moron or a fanboy would give any credibility to.