Sunday, 31 July 2011

Ten influential films that don't get the recognition they deserve

Greg Cwik writes about ten important films that seem to run under the radar. These ten films represent a cross-section of cinema history; films that are as influential and, in many cases, as good as the Citizen Kane's and Lawrence of Arabia's of this world, but don't receive the same level of credit. See the list, which features Roman Polanski's Repulsion, Richard Williams' troubled production The Thief and the Cobbler, and Michael Crichton's Westworld, here.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sunday, 19 June 2011

The most influential films ever made..?

Influential. Historically important. Displaying an innovative style. Progressing the medium. Highlighting the true power of cinema. Excellence in editing, sound design, special-effects, music, cinematography, editing. Arguably the most important films ever made. These are the ten must-see movies for anyone thinking about, preparing to, or already studying film at university.